Amy Henderson

Client Service Specialist

Amy is an expert at documentation. If you had a meeting with Amy a month ago where you discussed processes, but there are things you can’t remember, you can bet that Amy has it written down somewhere in one of her notebooks. She may even have created a step-by-step document with screenshots, because that’s just how she rolls. Amy excels at building and maintaining systems, breaking down information to the facts, and organizing it in a way that makes it efficient. She has a knack for mastering any system by using it over time. Her favorite #AdvisorTech integrations are with the CRM Wealthbox and the workflow systems Pulse360 and Hubly.

A Colorado native who loves the mountains and the great outdoors, Amy lives in her RV full time with her husband, Joel, and her cat, Max. She’s always adored hiking but now she makes her Jeep do all the work. They travel the US visiting their 5 grown kids (and new grandbaby!) while checking things off the bucket list.