Lauren Brasov

Client Service Specialist

Meet Lauren Brasov, a dynamic individual whose journey is fueled by organizing ideas and being resourceful. Armed with a Master’s Degree in Management and Leadership from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, Lauren is currently making waves in the serene and vibrant environment of the Florida Keys.

Known for a determined spirit she thrives on the intricate details of planning and accomplishing tasks. With a comprehensive understanding of financial principles and an analytical ability to make good judgements. She implements innovative ideas and enjoys enhancing existing systems and embracing modifications if it promises a better and easier path forward. The core values that define Lauren include honesty, commitment, and a strong emphasis on follow-through. When she undertakes a task, she is unwavering to see it through to its conclusion.

An active individual, Lauren engages in a variety of activities including pickleball, hiking, traveling, kayaking, and fishing. She is also a major foodie and enjoys experimenting with new recipes alongside her husband as well as spending quality time with her two dogs.

Lauren is a people person and in every aspect of life, exemplifies the principles of adaptability, resilience, and love for fostering positive change.